CIST 1550 Illustrator Chapter 3

Teresa Stillings

Skills Review 3a Mighty Montag

Skills Review 3b Skills Trace Photo

Skills Review 3c Live Paint Skills

Project Builder 3-1 Peppermill

Project Builder 3-2 Tic Tac Toe

Portfolio Project 3 Shape

Portfolio Project Questions:

1. I have watched the movie, 2001 A Space Odyssey a long time ago, but when I first saw the monolith it felt eerie and on the evil side.

2. The sudden appearance of the monolith was startling and not expected. The shapes of the landscape were detailed and jagged in contrast to the smooth straight shape of the monolith.

3. I think perfect shapes come from nature but are not natural. Most natural shapes are irregular and not perfectly symmetrical.

4. If you interpret a perfect shape to be straight or curved lines that are symmetrical, then none exist in nature. Most natural shapes can have straight or curved lines but they are irregular and not perfect.

    In math, those theorems are made to measure and create the perfect shape close to nature but are not exact to nature.

5. Human evolution and science have made us more aware of abstract shapes.

6. I think it is an essential factor but I also feel other animals can also distinguish abstract shapes.